TUES. APRIL 29 - (9AM - 3PM)
Contact Colene Trinterud, (925) 933-3016.
Email: trint@att.net. Sign up online.
(When asked for your zip code, type in rossmoorca)
EPO/Red Cross Blood Donors' Tip Sheet
Rossmoor EPO’s May 5 (2025) Meeting (10 AM to Noon) on “Healthy Aging for Seniors” in Gateway’s Peacock Hall
Join Rossmoor EPO hosting Suzie Hubl (Hubl Family Insurance Services) who will offer residents specific ways to markedly improve our senior health status: physical, mental, social and spiritual. Join us in-person or by Zoom and enjoy the opportunity to get your senior health-enhancing questions answered. Susie brings 15 years of experience in insurance brokering and health education on specific steps we seniors can take to live optimally into our advanced years. She will cover the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of healthy aging.
Zoom registration link for Susie Hubl’s May 5 (10 AM to Noon) “Healthy Aging” presentation:
Rossmoor Computer Club Flash Class
March 28, 2025 - 10:00AM
on Emergency Preparedness
by Rossmoor EPO Tech Support Chief
Harris Greenberg
“How the Rossmoor Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO) and Government Websites can Improve your Safety during and after Disasters”.
Harris’s class will review the EPO website and mobile apps from the American Red Cross, FEMA and the USGS, teach you how to get emergency alerts, explore multiple ways to keep your mobile devices up and running during extended power outages and how to gather and store critical documents online in the event your Rossmoor home is compromised or destroyed. LEVEL: Beginner
PG&E Wildfire Safety Webinar
presented on Wednesday, July 24 | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
If you missed the Webinar, you can watch a replay. Slide show: PDF
For more information on how you and your family can plan for and stay safe during an emergency, please visit Safety Action Center
Learn about our wildfire safety efforts and progress in your community
Hear about resources available to support you
Connect with your local PG&E leaders, including Senior Vice President, Aaron Johnson, plus question & answer time
​The mission of the Rossmoor Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO) is to provide information to residents about disaster preparedness and to organize them to be self-sufficient until first responders are available.